HK General Terms and Conditions for Business Users

August 30, 2023 





1.1. The terms and conditions of this Schedule 1 apply to the Company and all its End Users. 

1.2. This Schedule 1 sets forth the general terms and conditions of the Agreement for the supply of the 1GLOBAL products and services (“the Service(s)”) to be provided by 1GLOBAL and its Affiliates to the Company and, by and through the Company, to its End Users, pursuant to the Agreement with 1GLOBAL for the Service, into which this Schedule 1 is incorporated by reference, for use by the Company and such End Users. The Company’s and its End Users’ use of the Service is subject to this Agreement including any other terms and conditions associated with any ancillary services offered by 1GLOBAL as notified to the Company in writing and which are incorporated into this Agreement. A copy of this Agreement should be retained for future reference and any changes or updates to this Agreement will be notified to the Company in writing. The general terms of usage and updates to the roll out of the Service globally, incorporated herein by reference, will be posted on (the “Website”). 

1.3. The Company and its End Users shall access and use the Service in accordance with this Agreement. 



The Company’s and its End Users’ connection to and use of the 1GLOBAL Service is subject to the Company’s credit status and is subject to the Company keeping the payment status of its account current at all times in accordance with this Agreement. The minimum contract period set out in the relevant Agreement (Minimum Contract Period) shall not commence unless and until 1GLOBAL is satisfied with your credit status. By entering into an Agreement, the Company agrees to make the payments due under this Agreement as they relate to the Service requested and used by the Company and its End Users for the Contract Period. Except for the Company’s termination of this Agreement under Clauses 9.4(a) or 9.4(d) below, early termination of this Agreement by the Company will not relieve the Company of its payment obligations and liability for the monthly charges that apply for the duration of the Minimum Contract Period and also liability for those applicable early termination fees pursuant to Clauses 9.6. 




3.1. 1GLOBAL shall provide the Company with the SIM, Devices, and related national and international telecommunications services including voice, text and where available 3G data services based on the capabilities of a multi-IMSI SIM card in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 




3.2. The Company acknowledges that mobile telephony is a form of wireless communication and operates on the basis of transmission over radio frequency spectrum. As such it can be interfered with by numerous external sources or by obstacles inherent in buildings, vegetation or terrain and as such we cannot guarantee a perfect or error free transmission, both in terms of quality or availability of the Service. 


3.3. The Service is and at all times shall be provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. 1GLOBAL agrees to take all reasonable steps to make the Service available to the Company and its End Users at all times, contingent upon 1GLOBAL’s and/or 1GLOBAL’s service provider's ability to maintain necessary licenses or permissions, or 1GLOBAL’s and/or 1GLOBAL’s service provider's network capacity and connection availability. 


3.4. 1GLOBAL does not warrant or guarantee a fault-free Service and gives no warranties or guarantees as to network coverage, quality, or availability. In the event of a fault, upon becoming aware of the fault or upon receipt of notice of the existence of such a fault by the Company, 1GLOBAL shall use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly correct the fault. 


3.5. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to choose 1GLOBAL’s network operators and technology partners as 1GLOBAL deems appropriate and to provide access to the Service in any manner 1GLOBAL deems in the best interest of 1GLOBAL’s business requirements. In this regard the Company hereby consents to 1GLOBAL disclosing and using any of the Company’s personal data for the provision of the Service, subject to any applicable data protection or similar legislation or regulations. Any such use of the Company’s personal data will be subject to the terms of 1GLOBAL’s Privacy Policy and updated versions of which shall be notified to the Company in writing and can also be found on the Website. 


3.6. If an End User is in an area where their 1GLOBAL SIM card is searching for a wireless signal or wireless service, , it is highly probable that an Emergency call will not go through. The End User must not rely solely on the 1GLOBAL SIM card in an emergency situation. In an emergency, the End User must locate the nearest landline phone and call for help. 


3.7. The Company can add multiple available nominated additional country 1GLOBAL mobile numbers to the Company’s SIM account that 1GLOBAL offers as part of 1GLOBAL’s Service and which the Company and 1GLOBAL have contractually agreed. 


3.8. The current list of countries where 1GLOBAL offers additional local mobile numbers and the process for adding additional country numbers can be found on the Website or the Company can call Customer Services for an up to date list and information on how to add an additional country number. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to amend this country list from time to time 


3.9. The use of any numbers assigned to End Users’ SIM cards is subject to the relevant Agreement and conditions and any breach of an Agreement may result in suspension or termination of the Company’s and/or End Users’ access to and use of one or more of such numbers. 


3.10. As with any GSM mobile service, a core feature of the Service is the inclusion of roaming on foreign networks in order to provide the Service outside the Company’s chosen home country and any agreed 1GLOBAL designated countries for which the Company has subscribed (“Roaming”). Roaming means that the Company and its End Users will be using foreign networks, over which 1GLOBAL has no control and, therefore, cannot provide any guarantees about any the Service, particularly its availability or quality. In addition, the Company and its End Users’ access to and use of the Service whilst Roaming may be subject to different laws and regulations that apply. 1GLOBAL does not and will not accept any liability for the Company’s or any End User’s failure to comply with any of those laws, rules, or regulations. 


3.11. The unique feature about the 1GLOBAL Service is the ability to be charged local rates for calls in certain identified countries outside your chosen home country. Where the Company have subscribed to have access to local tariffs for the SIM one or more of these other 1GLOBAL countries and provided the necessary fees have been paid, any End Users will be able to make and receive calls on the 1GLOBAL SIM cards at local call rates in those chosen countries. 


3.12. Where 1GLOBAL does not have an arrangement with a specific country for the purchasing of local rates and thereby the offering of local rates on the 1GLOBAL SIM, then any End Users may still use the 1GLOBAL SIM but this will be on a Roaming basis. The Company will incur additional charges for this Roaming ability including for the making and receiving of calls, texts and data access whilst Roaming. 


3.13. It is the Company’s responsibility to check the billing status (i.e. whether local tariffs are applicable for subscribing to or roaming only) of the country its End Users intend to use the Service in before its End Users travel to that country and incur any charges by using the Services in that country. 1GLOBAL will not be liable for any charges incurred by the Company or its End Users based on any misunderstanding of the applicable and available tariffs in a particular country 


3.14. From time to time 1GLOBAL may be required to upgrade, modify or maintain the Service, including without limitation the migration of the Company’s account from one billing platform to a new or upgraded billing platform. On such occasions the Service may be temporarily unavailable, however, 1GLOBAL will use commercially reasonable efforts to keep such disruption to a minimum and notify the Company in advance when possible. 


3.15. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to suspend the Service, or the Service to any End User(s), as appropriate, without giving the Company notice where: 

a) 1GLOBAL has reason to believe the Company or any End User is in breach of the Service conditions of usage (Clause 5 below), any other material term of this Agreement, or any of 1GLOBAL’s policies, as notified to the Company; 

b) pending the outcome of an investigation following receipt of a complaint made against the Company or an End User; 

c) where there are any outstanding bills or Service charges which have not been paid when they are due for payment and 1GLOBAL has provided reasonable written notice for remedying the non-payment of the outstanding bills; 

d) 1GLOBAL is notified that the SIM Card licensed to the Company and/or an End User by 1GLOBAL is lost or stolen; 

e) 1GLOBAL is obliged to comply with an order, instruction or request of any government, regulatory, or emergency services organisation, or other competent administrative authority; 

f) in order to prevent damage or degradation of the Service or 1GLOBAL’s or 1GLOBAL’s contracting party's network integrity which may be caused by the Company, an End User, or any other party acting by, through, or on behalf of the Company; 

g) for operational reasons or in an emergency or for security reasons. 


3.16. 1GLOBAL may at 1GLOBAL’s discretion bar or disconnect an End User’s SIM if 1GLOBAL has reasonable cause to suspect any form of fraudulent use including relating to a SIM card or mobile phone whilst accessing or using the Service. 


3.17. 1GLOBAL may monitor the Service and disclose information gained from such monitoring in order (i) to satisfy any law, rule, regulation or other governmental request, (ii) to operate and administer the Service, or (iii) to protect 1GLOBAL or 1GLOBAL’s other customers. 




The Service shall commence following activation of the SIM card so that the Service is operationally available for use by the Company and its End Users (“Activation”). 




5.1. The Company shall ensure its End Users to use the Service lawfully and in compliance with this Agreement. The Company is and shall remain responsible and liable for all use of the Service by End Users, including without limitation call costs and charges incurred with respect to the Company’s account for using the Service (including such use, call costs and charges incurred by any third party using the Company’s account with or without the Company’s permission). The Company furthermore procure that the Company has obtained the necessary consents from its End Users for the processing and/or transfer of their personal data outside their country of residence for the provision of the Service and regulatory compliance purposes. The Company’s and its End Users’ access to and use of the Service is subject to 1GLOBAL’s Acceptable Use Policy, and made aware of the Privacy Policy and Fair Usage Policy, which the Company and its End Users shall adhere to. A copy of each of these policies is available on the Website and shall also be available on request. The Company shall ensure that all End Users are provided with a copy of the Acceptable Use Policy and are made aware of the Privacy Policy and Fair Usage Policy. If 1GLOBAL makes any changes to these policies, 1GLOBAL shall notify the Company in writing, and the Company promptly shall advise all End Users of any such changes. Any use in contravention of any of these policies will entitle 1GLOBAL to terminate the Service to the Company and/or End User(s) and to cancel the Company’s account, as 1GLOBAL thinks fit. Where reasonably practicable and legally possible to do so, 1GLOBAL agrees to notify the Company of any breaches of those policies by the Company or its End User(s) and, in its sole discretion, may allow the Company to remedy such breach within seven (7) days prior to any suspension or termination of the Service. 


5.2. The Company shall be responsible for all use of the Service including but not limited to Devices, its proper configuration and installation, compliance with any regulations and applicable instructions issued either by 1GLOBAL or the third party supplier(s) of the Devices. 


5.3. The Company must comply, and shall ensure its End Users to comply, with all reasonable directions of 1GLOBAL, including without limitation relating to any security procedures and standards with respect to the Service. 1GLOBAL may communicate security issues to the Company from time to time when abuse or misuse is observed or reported by others along with any and all general information related to 1GLOBAL’s provision of the Service by any means, including via the Website. 


5.4. The Company must inform 1GLOBAL immediately (at the applicable telephone number shown below) if any SIM Card provided to the Company or its End User under this Agreement is lost or stolen. The Company will remain fully liable for all call costs and charges incurred unless and until the Company does so. If any phone or SIM card is lost or stolen please call 1GLOBAL’s Customer Service immediately or e-mail 1GLOBAL at 1GLOBAL is not responsible for any service fees, call costs or other charges incurred due to a lost or stolen SIM card, and all such service fees, call costs and other applicable charges for a lost or stolen phone or SIM card shall be the Company’s sole responsibility. 


5.5. The Company is solely responsible for ensuring that its End Users’ Devices are compatible with the Service that the Company purchases from 1GLOBAL. This may include ensuring that these Devices are 'unlocked' and are compatible with the network in the country where the Company or such End Users wish to use them. The quality of the Device model is also dependent on the quality of the Device model that the Company chooses to use and 1GLOBAL has no control or influence over the quality of such Device. The choice of Device is the Company’s or its End User’s sole responsibility. 


5.6. The Company is solely responsible for any and all content, information and communications transmitted by an End User using the Service, and the Company agrees that 1GLOBAL has no responsibility for the deletion, corruption or failure to store any content transmitted using the Service. 


5.7. Certain countries have additional regulatory requirements that need to be fulfilled prior to 1GLOBAL being permitted to provide certain elements of the Service to customers. These include the obtaining, verification and retention of End User personal data. If the Company or an End User intends to travel to a country where 1GLOBAL is required to satisfy these additional regulatory requirements, then it is a condition of 1GLOBAL providing the Service that the Company co-operate and provide the required information and/or documentation prior to obtaining the Service. 


5.8. 1GLOBAL shall have no liability to the Company for any costs or charges incurred by the Company or End Users for failing to comply and satisfy any regulatory requirement of a country prior to using the Service in that country. 


5.9. A list of countries requiring additional regulatory compliance will be published on the Website from time to time where applicable. 




6.1. The applicable monthly recurring fees and charges in respect of voice, SMS and data usage as well as one-off fees and usage charges shall be specified in the relevant Order Form. If End Users use the Services outside of the usage limits, the Company shall be liable to pay all such services fees in accordance with 1GLOBAL’s out of bundle charges. The applicable out of bundle charges are set out at:


6.2. The Company shall be invoiced on a monthly basis for the Service utilized by the Company and its End Users. The Company must pay the full amount of all invoices issued within 30 days of the date of invoice. 


6.3. The recurring monthly fees shall be invoiced and payable in advance of each month and the monthly usage charges incurred during a corresponding monthly period will be invoiced and paid in arrears. 


6.4. In the event that any sums have not been paid when due, 1GLOBAL reserves the right to charge interest on overdue sums at a rate of the lesser of (i) 3 percent (3%) over the prevailing standard variable rate of HSBC from time to time or (ii) the maximum rate allowed under applicable law, or to suspend the provision of the Service. 


6.5. The Company is not entitled by reason of any set-off, counter-claim, abatement, or other similar deduction to withhold payment of any amount due to 1GLOBAL under this Agreement. Any such deduction or withholding of any invoiced amount may result in suspension of the Service. 


6.6. The rates and charges of the Service shall be exclusive of VAT and any other applicable taxes, unless indicated otherwise. All collection, remittance and payment of any taxes, charges, levies, assessments and other fees of any kind imposed by governmental or other authority in respect of the Service shall be for your account and the appropriate amount shall be included on your invoice. 


6.7. 1GLOBAL will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all traffic is invoiced in the following month. However, 1GLOBAL reserves the right to invoice up to six months after any traffic event due to delayed roaming or other charges being levied by third party operators. 


6.8. Billing queries with respect to any invoice must be made in writing within (1) month of the date of receipt of the applicable invoice, after which time the invoice will be deemed to be accepted and the Company will be deemed to have irrevocably waived any remedies which the Company would otherwise have to query such invoices. Such written query shall set out in detail the issue in dispute, the grounds for the dispute and supporting evidence. 


6.9. If the Company challenges the accuracy of any invoice, or a dispute arises between the Company and 1GLOBAL as to the accuracy of a sum due under this Agreement then, at the written election of either party, the procedures set out in Clauses 6.9 to 6.14 (inclusive) below shall be used to resolve such dispute. 


6.10. If the invoiced amount in dispute represents less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the invoice (excluding tax), the invoiced amount shall be payable in full pending the resolution of the dispute. If the amount in dispute represents five percent (5%) or more, the disputed amount may be withheld pending resolution of the dispute and any undisputed balance shall remain payable in full. 


6.11. On receipt of any written query in accordance with Clause 6.7 hereof, 1GLOBAL shall provide the Company with: 


a) a definitive re-calculation of the relevant sum due to the Company under the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall have fifteen (15) Business Days to review such sum and calculation and to state whether the Company agrees with such calculation or, if the Company does not so agree, to state the matters which the Company does not accept as being an accurate calculation of the sum due to or from the Company. If the Company fails to respond to 1GLOBAL’s notification of the re-calculation within fifteen (15) Business Days then 1GLOBAL’s re-calculation shall be deemed final and binding on the Company; and 

b) reasonable access to information and relevant extracts of records or other of 1GLOBAL’s working papers to review the re-calculation. 


6.12. If the Company accepts such re-calculation, where any over-payment or under-payment is disclosed, 1GLOBAL shall promptly refund (by means of issuing a credit note applied against the next invoice), or amend and reissue the invoice, or the Company promptly will pay (as appropriate), the amount of such over-payment or under-payment. 


6.13. If the Company notifies 1GLOBAL that the Company does not accept such re-calculation and provides as much detail as is reasonably practicable of the matters it does not accept as being correct, the parties shall meet and attempt to resolve any dispute or difference relating to the amount due. If they are unable to resolve the matters in dispute within the period of ten (10) Business Days following the date of the Company’s notification to 1GLOBAL, the matters in dispute shall be referred for settlement to a firm of independent accountants agreed by the parties or in default of agreement within five (5) Business Days at the request of either party to a firm of internationally recognized accountants selected by a mutually-agreeable neutral arbiter. The certificate of such independent firm as to the amount payable shall be final and binding and the costs of such exercise shall be borne as such firm shall determine. 


6.14. The paying party shall pay such sum as is determined in accordance with Clauses 6.9 to 6.12 inclusive to the receiving party within five (5) Business Days of the date of exhaustion of the relevant procedure in each case. 


6.15. For the purposes of this Clause 6, Business Days shall mean Monday to Friday excluding any public holiday in Hong Kong. 




7.1. The SIM Card and all technology, intellectual property and documentation relating to it, the Devices, and the Service shall remain 1GLOBAL’s property or the property of its applicable licensors. 1GLOBAL grants the Company a revocable, conditional, non-exclusive, non-assignable, nonsub-licensable license for the Company and its End Users to use the SIM card and Service in accordance with this Agreement. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to recall any SIM card from the Company or any End User at any time. 


7.2. 1GLOBAL warrants that 1GLOBAL’s intellectual property rights associated with the SIM Card and Service are subject to protection by means of patents and design rights (registered and unregistered). 1GLOBAL further warrants that 1GLOBAL is authorized to provide the Service in the countries where the Service is made available to the public. 




8.1. 1GLOBAL reserves all rights attached to the telephone numbers attributed to the Company and/or attached to the Service provided by 1GLOBAL. Subject to available number portability obligations, 1GLOBAL may change, withdraw or otherwise alter such telephone numbers or any other address-element at 1GLOBAL’s discretion, without damages payable or other liability to the Company, should any technical reason, or any applicable regulations, so require. 




9.1. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and cease supplying the Service in the event that the Company or its End User materially breaches any terms and conditions of this Agreement. 


9.2. In the event that the Company or its End User does not use the SIM card for any continuous period of one hundred eighty (180) days, 1GLOBAL reserves the right to invalidate the SIM card and/or call balance components and cancel the Company’s or respective End User’s account and the Service without prior notice and without any refund, repayment or compensation. For the avoidance of doubt, this sub-Clause does not apply to Company or its End User who is paying for the use of the SIM card. 


9.3. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time in our sole discretion without any liability on thirty (30) days’ notice during the applicable Minimum Contract Period. 


9.4. The Company may terminate this Agreement with us in the following circumstances: 


a) if 1GLOBAL vary these terms and conditions which results in a reasonable man considers an excessive increase in charges (For the avoidance of doubt, an increase which is in line with the inflation rate as reported by the Census and Statistics Department, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will not be considered as excessive) or alters the Company’s rights herein to its detriment, unless such changes are imposed on 1GLOBAL as a direct result of new legislation, statutory instrument, court order, government regulation or license; 

b) at any time after the applicable Minimum Contract Period on thirty (30) days written notice; 

c) on sixty (60) days written notice during the Minimum Contract Period provided that the early termination fees applicable to such termination (as set out in the relevant Agreement) are paid in full; and 

d) 1GLOBAL is no longer able to provide the Service. 


9.5. On termination of this Agreement the SIM card and any associated products must be returned to 1GLOBAL before the end of the applicable notice period and shall be at the Company’s sole cost and risk. 


Early Termination Fees 


9.6. Where, during the Minimum Contract period, the Company terminates the Agreement without cause or where the Agreement is terminated by 1GLOBAL due to a breach by the Company of these 1GLOBAL terms and conditions then, in addition to any other fees, charges and losses due to 1GLOBAL and without prejudice to any other rights and liabilities accruing to 1GLOBAL, the following early termination fees shall be due and payable by the Company: 


a) The early termination fees becoming payable will depend on the Device and Service plan purchased from 1GLOBAL. 

b) The early termination fee for terminating the Agreement is calculated as the monthly recurring fee multiplied by the remaining month’s left in the Minimum Contract Period. 

c) There is no early termination fee applicable for the termination of the Agreement after the Minimum Contract Period where the Agreement is extended beyond the Minimum Contract Period. 

d) The early termination fee is calculated on a per End User basis. 

e) Unless otherwise stated, the early termination fee for terminating the Agreement where 1GLOBAL has not provided the Company with any Devices will be HK$500 per End User. 




10.1. This Clause 10 sets out the entire financial liability of 1GLOBAL to the Company (including any liability for the acts or omissions of 1GLOBAL’s employees, agents, consultants and subcontractors) in respect of: 


a) the provision of the Service 

b) any breach of the Agreement 

c) any use made by End Users of the Service 

d) any representation, statement, or tortious act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with the Agreement. 


10.2. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are to the fullest extent permitted by law excluded from the Agreement. 


10.3. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude a Party’s liability to the other Party: 


a) for death or personal injury caused by negligence; 

b) for fraudulent misrepresentation; or; 

c) for any other liability that may not be limited or excluded by law and nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude the Company’s liability under Clause 10.9(a) of this Schedule 1 

d) in the case of your liability, to pay fees or charges when due to us under an Agreement. 


10.4. Subject to Clause 10.3 of this Schedule 1, in no event shall 1GLOBAL be liable to the Company, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of any Agreement for any indirect or consequential losses incurred, or for any loss of profit, revenue, contracts, data, goodwill or other similar losses or for any loss or corruption of data or information or any special or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses. 


10.5. Subject to Clauses 10.3 and 10.4, each Party’s total aggregate liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of any Agreement, including the provision of the SIM and Device, shall be strictly limited to the charges paid by the Company in respect of the first year of the term (commencing on the date of the relevant agreement with 1GLOBAL) for the relevant service. 


10.6. 1GLOBAL will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of 1GLOBAL’s obligations herein or provision of the Service where such delay or performance failure is due to (i) any of acts or omissions of the Company or its End User, including without limitation where the Company or its End User has provided incorrect data or information; or (ii) network failure, network outage, network congestion, power failures; or (iii) that is caused by, or results, whether in whole or in part, from, events outside 1GLOBAL’s reasonable control, including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving 1GLOBAL’s workforce or any other party), Act of God, war, terrorist activity, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order or default of suppliers or subcontractors. 


10.7. The Company represents and warrants that (i) the Company is not located in a country that is subject to a US or Hong Kong Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. or Hong Kong Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) the Company is not listed on any U.S. or Hong Kong Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. If it is established that the Company is in breach of this warranty then 1GLOBAL shall have the right to immediately terminate the Service and the Company shall forfeit any credit remaining on the Company’s account. 


10.8. The Company agree that any liability arising under any Agreement relating to the Service shall be solely against 1GLOBAL and that the Company will not have, nor attempt to initiate, any right of recourse against any third party supplier of 1GLOBAL. 


10.9. 1GLOBAL makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, to the extent allowed by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the Service. All implied warranties in respect of any devices sold by 1GLOBAL to Company are also excluded to the extent permitted by applicable law. 


10.10. The Company’s liability: 


a) The Company shall be liable for all charges or fees incurred in using the Service. In the event of loss or theft of any SIM card it is the Company’s responsibility to inform 1GLOBAL immediately so that 1GLOBAL can prevent any further use of the Service by another unauthorised person. 1GLOBAL provides no guarantees or warranties in relation to the prevention of the use of the Service on a lost or stolen SIM card and accept no liability for any unauthorised use of the Company’s account. The Company will be solely responsible for the SIM card and its use to obtain the Service and will not be entitled to obtain any compensation from 1GLOBAL for its loss or theft or any use after its loss or theft; and 


b) The Company shall be liable for the full retail cost of the replacement of any Device that has been provided by 1GLOBAL to the Company. In the event that any such Device is lost, stolen or damaged, the Company’s liability to 1GLOBAL under this clause 10.9(b) shall not limit the Company’s liability to 1GLOBAL under clause 10.9(a). 




11.1. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to change any Agreement from time to time and make changes to the Service or any promotion or charges relating the Services at any time. 


11.2. 1GLOBAL shall give the Company notice of any such changes. In relation to 1GLOBAL’s Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy 1GLOBAL may make changes to these policies, and the Company agrees that an appropriate publication on the Website is an acceptable notice of any such changes. 




12.1. This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong law and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts. 


12.2. Despite the governing law provided above, the Company may be subject to various rules, regulations and laws which may also apply to the Company in the country in which the Company or its End Users access and/or use the Service, in particular where the Company chooses its home country to be a country other than Hong Kong. 


12.3. Subject to the terms of 1GLOBAL’s Privacy Policy 1GLOBAL may be required to collect further personal information from the Company in order to satisfy 1GLOBAL’s compliance with any legal or regulatory compliance requirement. If 1GLOBAL requests such information from the Company and indicates that this is for legal or regulatory compliance then the Company promptly shall provide 1GLOBAL with the requested information and in no event will provide 1GLOBAL with false or misleading information. 




13.1. If the Company has any complaints or feedback about the Service, the Company should send them in the first instance to 1GLOBAL’s complaints policy and procedure can be found on the Website. 




14.1. 1GLOBAL’s Privacy Policy forms part of the Agreement. A copy of 1GLOBAL’s Privacy Policy can be found on the Website. Whilst 1GLOBAL respects the privacy of 1GLOBAL’s customers, the Service may be subject to interception by law enforcement agencies and other governmental bodies. In addition 1GLOBAL may be compelled to disclose the Company’s personal data where 1GLOBAL is required to do so by a valid order of an authorised governmental representative or court order. 


14.2. The Company hereby consents to 1GLOBAL transferring the Company’s personal data to countries which do not provide the same level of data protection as Hong Kong if 1GLOBAL deems it necessary for the provision of the Service. In the event 1GLOBAL transfers such Personal Data outside of Hong Kong 1GLOBAL will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that such transfer is subject to adequate safeguards and those safeguards shall be no less stringent than those provided for applicable data protection laws. The Company hereby consent and shall procure the consent of its End Users to us transferring the personal data outside of Hong Kong under the above conditions. Company may withdraw this consent in writing at any time but any withdrawal of such consent will result in the termination of this Agreement and may result in early termination fees becoming payable. 


14.3. 1GLOBAL will always use and process the Company’s personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws, as amended from time to time. 


14.4. 1GLOBAL will provide the Company with a copy of the Company personal data that 1GLOBAL holds, provided that the Company requests access to such information in writing. 




15.1. 1GLOBAL may compile and release information regarding the Company and the Company’s use of the Service on an anonymous basis as part of a customer profile or similar report or analysis. 


15.2. All licenses not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved and no other licenses, immunity or rights, express or implied are granted by 1GLOBAL, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. This Agreement does not grant the Company any rights to use any trademarks, logos or service marks belonging to 1GLOBAL whatsoever. 


15.3. The Company may not transfer or assign any or all of the Company’s rights or obligations under this Agreement without 1GLOBAL’s prior written consent. 1GLOBAL reserves the right to assign this Agreement and its rights and obligations hereunder by giving the Company written notice of such assignment, which assignment shall fully release 1GLOBAL from any further obligations or liability under the terms of this Agreement commencing upon the effective date of the assignment. 




15.5. Failure to enforce any of 1GLOBAL’s rights under this Agreement does not result in a waiver of that right. 


15.6. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be unenforceable, all other conditions shall remain unaffected. 


15.7. 1GLOBAL is a trading name of TP Global Operations Limited. TP Hong Kong Operations Limited whose registered office is at 17th Floor, One Island East, Taikoo Place, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong is a wholly owned subsidiary of TP Global Operations Limited. TP Hong Kong Operations Limited holds a Service-Based Operator Licence of Class 3 Service for Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Services issued by the Communications Authority. 


15.8. This Agreement, together with any documents referred to in them, constitutes the entire terms and conditions of the agreement and supersedes or extinguishes any prior drafts, agreements, undertakings, warranties and arrangements of any nature, whether in writing or oral, regarding such subject matter. Unless provided for elsewhere in this Agreement, this Agreement may only be modified or otherwise amended by written agreement of the parties. This shall not exclude any liability that a party would otherwise have to the other party in respect of any statement made fraudulently by that party prior to the date of this Agreement. 


15.9. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the order of precedence of interpreting such terms and conditions shall be as follows: 


a) Agreement cover page (Additional Terms); 

b) 1GLOBAL’s order form(s) (Order Form(s)) 

c) General Terms and Conditions (Schedule 1); 

d) Policy documents (Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy and Fair Usage Policy) and terms from the Website incorporated herein by reference. 

1GLOBAL is a trading name of TP Global Operations Limited.